Sunday, November 11, 2007

Idealism in poetry

The Confusion

If enthusiasm could be half as prevalent as apathy,

then imagine a world where the chilling indifference

was warmed by the fires of hope and we could all

look forward with a promise to end this confusion.

If intolerance was no longer tolerated in a society

based on equality, imagine a world where each soul

born into it had the same hope and promise as each

that came before and could elevate us above this confusion.

If extremism could be tempered with moderation

so that each side would merge into a sphere of understanding

with a brilliant, blazing core of ideas that would

become the solutions which could end this confusion.

If we had the power to understand that which we believe

and to believe that which we understand the division

between yours and mine could become a connection

to what is ours and with patience and grace

we could end this confusion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Important and powerful poetry shared on this important day to remember that our world is too small to include hate.

thank you.

Thursday, November 15, 2007 12:14:00 PM  

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